Is your child learning
to take responsibility?

In pregnancy, the parents - in partnership with God - have total responsibility (proper nutrition, fluids, rest, protein, exercise, etc.) and the child has no responsibility. After the baby is born parents continue to have a great responsibility but not total.  A small degree is given to the child as he learns to live outside of the womb and become part of the family (not the center of it).
His part gradually increases as he develops and grows.

The Journey of Responsibility Training

In the first year, there are tiny steps – learning to sleep when he is tired, learning to push up to see what is going on around him, learning to eat fully in a timely way, learning to self-soothe, learning to sleep in their own space, learning to wiggle to get comfortable, learning to hold head up when upright, are a few examples.  When he learns to do these things it then becomes his responsibility.  Each of these tiny steps will often be accompanied by “protest cries.”  A wise parent will understand that it is important to help the baby through his protest to reach each new milestone.

During the three to six-month stage, the baby will be learning and doing something new almost every day. 

The first year will be full of these milestones as he grows from being a helpless newborn to a crawling, walking, eating, speaking individual full of personality.

Here are a few topics we cover online and on our resource site:

Available to clients only

  • Overview of Responsibility Training

  • Answering the Question: “When Do We Begin?”

  • Learning to eat solid food

  • What about discipline?

  • How to nurture sharing.

  • Which positive reinforcements can we use?